Best Electricity Provider

Best Electricity Provider in Munich

Munich electricity provider

Choosing the best electricity provider in Munich is a decision that will save you a lot of money.

We strongly recommend switching from SWM, which is the so called default provider („Grundversorger“), to an electricity provider of your choice.

When you move to Munich you will usually be signed up with SWM once you are in your new flat (yeah, finally!).

SWM is the local Grundversorger in Munich, which ensures that everybody has electricity as soon as they move into a new apartment.

This is very convenient, but as always, with convenience come higher costs. Bear in mind that you only have around 2-4 weeks after moving in where you can still change your electricity provider.

Better make this one of the first tasks you take care of after moving to Munich as you surely will save a good amount of money.

Back in the days the electricity market was closed and you did not have an alternative to the SWM.

This is why many (mostly elderly) people in Munich just never bothered switching providers.

But with our help it will be easy to choose the best electricity provider in Munich and save some serious money.

Comparison of Best German Electricity Providers

E WIE EINFACH*Entega Ökostrom*SimplyGreen
Best deal (3.500 kWh/year)C wie ClassicENTEGA Ökostrom MaxiSimplyGreen Ökostrom
Monthly price best deal
(excluded sign up bonuses)
Price guarantee12 months12 months12 months
Sign up bonus200€
Netflix 12 months included
See website for conditions
308€ after 1 year
Depending on contract
See website for conditions
Contract duration12 months12 months12 months
100% Ökostrom (from renewable energy sources) optionYesYesYes

E Wie Einfach*

E wie einfach

If you are looking for a good electricity provider with fair prices and electricity from 100% renewable sources then E Wie Einfach is your best choice.

Signing up with E Wie Einfach is as easy as it gets.

Their website might not be in English (if you have problems understanding German use Google Chrome and let it translate automatically in English) but the sign-up process is almost self explanatory.

What you need to figure out on your own is your expected yearly electricity consumption, which you can by using their online calculator.

And once this is done it is just a matter of choosing the right contract for you.

Right now our favorite option includes 12 months of Netflix for free. Which better way to spend this cold winter at home?



Entega is another highly recommended electricity provider in Munich.

Almost no other electricity provider in Munich offers such a good combination of cheap prices and exceptional good service.

Also Entega offers an online login area where you can carry out all tasks from your computer.

Entega was rated among the most customer friendly electricity providers in 2014, and with good reason.

If you need to contact their customer service, you can call them on a German landline number or ask them to call you back for free.

For the first 12 months you will get a guaranteed price and after the first year you can also quit the contract by the end of each month.

To see how much signing up with Entega would cost for your household, check directly on the ENTEGA website* and calculate your estimated price for one year.

SimplyGreen Ökostrom


Is it possible to do something good for the environment and save money at the same time?

Thanks to SimplyGreen you can now switch to an electricity provider which not only has very good prices but is also environmental friendly.

SimplyGreen guarantees 100% green energy with any of their tariffs.

Even though they do not deliver any electricity from „dirty“ sources such as atomic energy they still manage to be very competitive compared to other electricity providers in Munich.

When signing up you can also choose from a wide array of bonuses. As they are everchanging we recommend you check out the website from time to time.

There are plenty reasons to go with SimplyGreen.

100% clean energy + great prices + awesome bonuses to choose from = a very good choice for an electricity provider.

SWM – Stadtwerke München

As mentioned before SWM – Stadtwerke München – is the Grundversorger for both electricity and gas. If you have missed the 2-4 week deadline to change electricity providers, don’t worry.

You might not have the cheapest contract, but SWM offers a lot of their services online and has quite high customer satisfaction rate.

But honestly there is no reason not to switch to another electricity company in Munich and save money on your electricity bill.

There is one important thing to mention though: Only SWM offer a special tariff necessary and inevitable if a night storage heater is installed in your apartment – you find this kind of heaters especially in older houses and are easily to recognize as they are quite big and most often ugly grey blocks of metal.

You differentiate here between day and night electricity (which is about 1/4 cheaper). Night tariff starts at 21h and ends at 6h in the morning, in this time the heater is charging up.

It’s not possible to chose any other energy supplier than SMW if you have such a heater installed in your apartment – if you are not sure wether you have on you can check in the basement if you have a so called „Zweitarifzähler“ (two way electric meter) installed.

This tip at least helps you not to waste time for looking for a new electricity provider when moving to Munich.

Changing Electrictiy Providers in Munich

As we established already it is a good idea to change your electricity provider as soon as you move to Munich.

Many people are afraid of changing as they are not sure how to change electricity providers in Munich. But almost nothing is easier than changing electricity providers.

Usually all you need to do is to sign up with a new electricity provider and they will take care of the switching process, so that you are not a single second without electricity.

The only thing you need to do is to tell your new provider how much electricity you had already used until that day.

Electricity and Gas Provider – All in one

Prioenergy, E wie einfach and Lekker Strom allow clients to sign up for electricity and gas at the same time.

The advantage of this is that you do not have to sign several contracts and can carry out all communication with one company.

So if your apartment relies on gas we strongly recommend to signing up with the same provider for electricity and gas.

If you don’t change anything then you are signed up with SWM for both electricity and gas, which means you pay twice as much for your contract.

That money could be better spent, e.g. in one of the many restaurants in Munich.

*Since I love to keep my website as up-to-date as possible for you awesome readers, my content may contain affiliate links. All the links in this post marked with ‘*’ are such affiliate links. Even though I might receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you, all opinions on my website remain my own.