Top 10 (fun) facts about Munich

Below a list with 10 (fun) facts about Munich – you probably didn’t know one or the other.

1. Munich is located further North than any other major city in the United States
2. Beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage but food in Bavaria
3. The Bayerische Biergartenverordnung (former Bayerisches Biergartengesetz) allows you   to bring your own food to a beergarden and of course also eat it there
4. The world famous Oktoberfest actually starts already in mid-September, not in Oktober as it did until 1871. The reason is easy: the weather is just better in September
5. Europe’s biggest film studios, the Bavaria Filmstudios, are in Munich
6. Munich is also called “Minga” instead of München – but mostly not by people who live in Munich but people from the villages and cities around
7. The Underground of Munich has been built for the Olympic Games 1972
8. Never order anything but a Bavarian beer in Bavaria
9. With over 1,5 million inhabitants, Munich is the 3rd biggest city of Germany
10. Bavaria is just the most beautiful German state

Interested about the top attractions in Munich, then continue reading in our section Top 10 Things to see in Munich.